General Info

Interface: UserModManager
Files: usermodmanager.h
Last change: 25/06/2005
Author: Luiz Henrique Shigunov
System Functions

0x00 - Exit - End a module execution
0x01 - Register - Register a library

0x02 - Unregister - Unregister a library
User Functions

0x04 - UCatchException - Register an exception handler
0x05 - UExit - End an user module execution
0x06 - UGetFunction - Get a pointer to a function from a registered library or system module
0x07 - UGetLibFunction - Get a function from a loaded library
0x08 - UGetShutdownFunctionI - Get shutdown function pointer of a library

0x09 - UGetStackSize - Get stack size
0x0a - UGetStartFunction - Get start function pointer of a library
0x0b - UGetStartFunctionI - Get start function pointer of a library
0x0c - ULoad - Load a library
0x0d - UUnload - Unload a library


This page describes the UserModManager interface which provides functions to manage and use executable and library modules.

Two types of user modules exists: executable module (can be executed as a program) and library module (only provides functions for executable and library modules).

Registering a library module makes its functions available for other user modules.

A library module must implement at least one interface, each implementation with at least one function. Each implementation implements only one interface.

Interfaces and implementations are identified by a name but functions by a number.

A library module is formed by function code, read only data, initialized data and uninitialized data (they are initialized with zero).

An executable module is formed by code, read only data, initialized data and uninitialized data (they are initialized with zero).

Every library used by an executable module, staticaly or dynamicaly, must be initialized before it can be used and must be terminated before the program is terminated.

The functions UGetStartFunctionI and UGetShutdownFunctionI were made to initialize/terminate staticaly used libraries.

And the function UGetStartFunction was made to initialize dynamicaly used libraries.

The dynamicaly used libraries are terminated using function UGetShutdownFunctionI to avoid that it be terminated while still in use.

So, it's possible that the same start function be called more than once. Each library must control this.

Each system function that can be used by user modules has a number saying how many words (4 bytes) it must receive from user modules. This words are copyed from user stack into system stack when the function is called. This is the same type of parameters passing used in FreeBSD and Microsoft Windows NT.


typedef union {
    InterManager_Event iEvent;
    UserModManager_Events uEvent;
} UserModManager_Event;

This union is used to avoid gcc type-punned warnings. For the functions of the Intermanager interface we use iEvent but for the functions of this interface we use uEvent.

typedef struct {
    unsigned int type;
    union {
        UserModManager_ChildEvent child;
        UserModManager_TermEvent term;
} UserModManager_Events;

type is the event type and can be:

typedef struct {
    unsigned int code;
    int pid;
    int exitCode
    unsigned int res[4];
} UserModManager_ChildEvent;

code has the event cause:

pid is the child task ID, exitCode is the exit code of the child task if code is UserModManager_CHILD_EXITED or has these values if code is UserModManager_CHILD_DUMPED:

typedef struct {
    unsigned int res[7];
} UserModManager_TermEvent;

This event has no data.


This interface defines the following groups and keys available using the CfgManager interface:


Library modules permanently registered are stored in this group. Each module has a group inside this group which has these keys:

  • path - full pathname to the module file

Some examples:
Group /system/UserModManager/modules/exception, keys:

  • path = /modules/exception.mod

Group /system/UserModManager/modules/memmanager, keys:
  • path = /modules/memmanager.mod

System Functions

These functions are exclusive for system modules.

0x00 - Exit


int UserModManager_Exit(TaskManager_Task *task, int exitCode);



This function ends execution of the program task.

If task is NULL, ends execution of caller task.

task must be undestroyable.

Remember that a task running system code is already undestroyable. So, if task is NULL you donīt need to call UndestroyableThread and if task is not NULL it was set undestroyable or you couldnīt use task.

exitCode is the return code.

Return value

0x01 - Register


int UserModManager_Register(const char *pathname, int prop);



This function registers library pathname.

prop must be 0 or:

Return value

0x02 - Unregister


int UserModManager_Unregister(const char *pathname, int prop);



This function unregisters library pathname.

prop must be 0 or:

Only an unused library can be unregistered.

Return value

User Functions

These functions were designed for user modules.

0x04 - UCatchException


int UserModManager_UCatchException(void *function);


User modules


This function registers function to handle exceptions that occurs on the task.

When an exception occurs control returns to function, that is, the return EIP becomes function.

On return to function the stack will have: specific exception's data, if they exist, the address where the exception occurred and an exception code, that is, ESP points to the exception code.

This are the exceptions supported:

Code Meaming
0x00 A divide by zero occurred.
0x01 INTO instruction (overflow) was executed.
0x02 BOUND instruction detected that an array's bound was exceeded.
0x03 Invalid instruction.
0x04 Unaligned data access.
0x05 Memory access violation.
This exception put this values in the stack: the address that caused the access violation and an int saying if it was a write attempt (different from 0) or a read attempt (0).

It's the program responsability to fix the stack to continue executing.

If a handler isn't set, program terminates.

To remove the handler just call the function with NULL.

Return value

0x05 - UExit


void UserModManager_UExit(int exitCode);


User modules


This function terminates execution of caller user module and sets return code to exitCode.

Return value


0x06 - UGetFunction


void *UserModManager_UGetFunction(const char *interface, const char *imp, unsigned int function, int type);


User modules


This function gets a pointer to function from implementation imp from interface of a registered library module or system module.

type must be:

The function from the system module must be a user function.

Return value

Use the macros IS_PTR_ERROR and PTR_TO_ERROR to know whether an error occurred and to get the error.

0x07 - UGetLibFunction


void *UserModManager_UGetLibFunction(UserModManager_Library *lib, const char *interface, const char *imp, unsigned int function);


User modules


This function gets a pointer to function from implementation imp from interface from lib.

lib is a library loaded by Load function.

Return value

Use the macros IS_PTR_ERROR and PTR_TO_ERROR to know whether an error occurred and to get the error.

0x08 - UGetShutdownFunctionI


void *UserModManager_UGetShutdownFunctionI(unsigned int index);


User modules


This function gets shutdown function pointer from a library.

index should be zero in the first call and incremented each time the function is called.

If the library doesn't has a shutdown function, this function returns 0xffffffff.

Before a program ends shutdown function of every staticaly used library must be called. For instance:

i = 0;
while ((shutdown = UserModManager_UGetShutdownFunctionI(i++))) {
    if ((unsigned int)shutdown != 0xffffffff)

Return value

The function pointer or NULL in case of error.

0x09 - UGetStackSize


unsigned int UserModManager_UGetStackSize(void);


User modules


This functions gets the size of the stack in bytes that is allocated when the first thread of the task is created.

The return value is a power of 2.

Return value

The size of the stack in bytes.

0x0a - UGetStartFunction


void *UserModManager_UGetStartFunction(void *function);


User modules


This function gets start function pointer from the library that implements function.

If the library doesn't has a start function, this function returns NULL.

Before a dynamicaly used library can be used the start function must be called. For instance:

start = UserModManager_UGetStartFunction(MyLibrary_Func1);
if (start)

This function must be used to initialize library modules that were dynamicaly used.

Return value

The function pointer or NULL in case of error.

0x0b - UGetStartFunctionI


void *UserModManager_UGetStartFunctionI(unsigned int index);


User modules


This function gets start function pointer from a library.

index should be zero in the first call and incremented each time the function is called.

If the library doesn't has a start function, this function returns 0xffffffff.

Before a staticaly used library can be used the start function must be called. For instance:

i = 0;
while ((start = UserModManager_UGetStartFunctionI(i++))) {
    if ((unsigned int)start != 0xffffffff)

Return value

The function pointer or NULL in case of error.

0x0c - ULoad


int UserModManager_ULoad(const char *pathname, UserModManager_Library **lib);


User modules


This function loads library pathname.

Initialization, if needed, must be done by who use it.

If all goes ok, lib will contain the library ID.

Return value

0x0d - UUnload


int UserModManager_UUnload(UserModManager_Library *lib);


User modules


This function unloads library lib.

Return value