General Info

Interface: UserSpaceManager
Files: userspacemanager.h
Last change: 08/06/2003
Author: Luiz Henrique Shigunov
System Functions

0x0a - Brk - Set heap break point
0x00 - CopyFromUser - Copy data from user space
0x01 - CopyToUser - Copy data to user space
0x02 - Exit - End a program
0x03 - MapStackPages - Map pages with arguments of a program

0x04 - RegisterLoader - Register an executable loader
0x05 - Run - Run a program
0x06 - StrLen - Get the size of a string in user space
0x07 - StrNCopy - Copy a string from user space
0x08 - UnregisterLoader - Unregister an executable loader
User Functions

0x0b - UBrk - Set heap break point

0x09 - URun - Run a program


This page describes the UserSpaceManager interface which provides functions to interact with user memory space, execute programs and is also responsible for starting the first program.

A module that implements this interface must generate events defined in UserSpaceManagerE interface.


typedef struct {
    unsigned int exitType;
    unsigned int exitCode;
} UserSpaceManager_ExitInfo;

This structure is used by the TaskDestroyed event of the UserSpaceManagerE interface to tell why the task was destroyed.

exitType can be:

exitCode is the exit code of the task when exitType is UserSpaceManager_TASK_EXITED or has these values if itīs UserSpaceManager_TASK_DUMPED:

typedef struct {
    FSManager_Handle *fd;
    char fileBuf[128];
    unsigned int stackTop;
    unsigned int argc;
    unsigned int envc;
    unsigned int exec;
    unsigned int stackSize;
    unsigned int startBrk;
} UserSpaceManager_ExecInfo;

This structure is used by modules that implement the ExecLoader interface.

fd is the file descriptor of the executable and fileBuf has the first 128 bytes of the executable to allow it identification.

stackTop has the stack top, argc the number of arguments in the stack and envc the number of environment variables in the stack.

exec points to the pathname of the executable and stackSize has the size in bytes of the stack with the arguments.

startBrk must be set to the start of the task heap and must be multiple of 0x1000.

stackTop and exec only point to the stack in user memory space after the function MapStackPages is called.


This interface defines the following groups and keys available using the CfgManager interface:


This group contains information about the first program to be executed and has this keys:

  • path - full pathname to the executable module file

For example: path = /exec/shell.mod


The implementations of the InputDev interface that should be registered as input devices for the first program are stored in this group. Each implementation has a group inside this group which has these keys:

  • imp - name of the implementation of the InputDev interface

For example:
Group /system/UserSpaceManager/init/input/keyboard, keys:

  • imp = MF2KBD

The implementations of the OutputDev interface that should be registered as output devices for the first program are stored in this group. Each implementation has a group inside this group which has these keys:

  • imp - name of the implementation of the OutputDev interface

For example:
Group /system/UserSpaceManager/init/output/video, keys:

  • imp = AT

This group stores information about executable loaders. Each module must have a group with the following keys:

  • imp - the name of the implementation of the ExecLoader interface

For example:
Group /system/UserSpaceManager/loader/execmod, keys:

  • imp = ExecMod

Group /system/UserSpaceManager/loader/elf, keys:
  • imp = ELF

System Functions

These functions are exclusive for system modules.

0x0a - Brk


void *UserSpaceManager_Brk(void *addr);



This function sets heap break point to addr.

This way, the area till addr, not including addr, can be used by the task.

addr is round up to a system page (4096 bytes).

If it isn't possible to change, this function returns the old value.

Return value

A pointer to the heap break point.

0x00 - CopyFromUser


int UserSpaceManager_CopyFromUser(void *dst, const void *src, unsigned int size);



This function copies size bytes from src into dst.

src must be inside user memory space.

Return value

0x01 - CopyToUser


int UserSpaceManager_CopyToUser(void *dst, const void *src, unsigned int size);



This function copies size bytes from src in dst.

dst must be inside user memory space.

Return value

0x02 - Exit


int UserSpaceManager_Exit(TaskManager_Task *task, unsigned int exitType, unsigned int exitCode);



This function ends execution of the program task with the exit type exitType and the exit code exitCode see UserSpaceManager_ExitInfo.

If task is NULL, ends execution of caller task.

task must be undestroyable.

Remember that a task running system code is already undestroyable. So, if task is NULL you donīt need to call UndestroyableThread and if task is not NULL it was set undestroyable or you couldnīt use task.

Return value

0x03 - MapStackPages


int UserSpaceManager_MapStackPages(UserSpaceManager_ExecInfo *exec, char *stack, unsigned int size);



This function maps the pages with arguments of the program into the caller task.

The pages are mapped at stack which has size bytes.

stack must have been allocated using the function AllocUserPages.

This function is used by modules that implement the ExecLoader interface to allow the access to the arguments that will be passed to a program.

stack must be big enough to map all the pages with arguments, that is, must have at least the size specified in the field stackSize of exec.

Return value

0x04 - RegisterLoader


int UserSpaceManager_RegisterLoader(const char *imp, int prop);



This function registers the executable loader that has the name of the implementation imp of the ExecLoader interface.

prop must be 0 or:

Return value

0x05 - Run


int UserSpaceManager_Run(const char *pathname, char *const argv[], char *const envp[], int prop, TaskManager_Task **task, TaskManager_Thread **thread);



This function executes the program pathname.

argv is an array of argument strings passed to the program. envp is an array of strings, conventionally of the form key=value, which are passed as environment to the program. Both, argv and envp must be different than NULL and must terminated by a null pointer.

prop must be 0 or:

In case of success, task will contain the task handle and thread the thread handle and thread will be undestroyable. The caller is responsable for setting it destroyable.

Return value

0x06 - StrLen


int UserSpaceManager_StrLen(const char *str, unsigned int *size);



This function gets the size of str and puts in size not including the terminating `\0'.

str must be inside user memory space.

Return value

0x07 - StrNCopy


int UserSpaceManager_StrNCopy(char *dst, const char *str, unsigned int n, unsigned int *size);



This function copies no more than n bytes from string str in dst and puts in size the number of bytes copied not including the terminating `\0'.

The copy will end if string end is found.

str must be inside user memory space.

Return value

0x08 - UnregisterLoader


int UserSpaceManager_UnregisterLoader(const char *imp, int prop);



This function unregisters the executable loader that has the name of the implementation imp of the ExecLoader interface.

prop must be 0 or:

Only an unused loader can be unregistered.

Return value

User Functions

These functions were designed for user modules.

0x0b - UBrk


void *UserSpaceManager_UBrk(void *addr);


User modules


This function sets heap break point to addr.

This way, the area till addr, not including addr, can be used by the task.

addr is round up to a system page (4096 bytes).

If it isn't possible to change, this function returns the old value.

Return value

A pointer to the heap break point.

0x09 - URun


int UserSpaceManager_URun(const char *pathname, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]);


User modules


This function executes the program pathname.

The program will start execution immediatly.

argv is an array of argument strings passed to the program. envp is an array of strings, conventionally of the form key=value, which are passed as environment to the program. Both, argv and envp must be different than NULL and must terminated by a null pointer.

Return value